What’s it all about?  Performance.  Blazing fast performance.


Think about it like this.  An SSD volume can provide ~1M IOPS and come in sizes of up to 1TB, maybe larger since I last looked.  Add in Flexshare and you can basically stop time.


Jeff Kennedy

Qualcomm, Incorporated

QCT Engineering Compute



From: owner-toasters@mathworks.com [mailto:owner-toasters@mathworks.com] On Behalf Of Milazzo Giacomo
Sent: Thursday, February 12, 2009 1:08 AM
To: toasters@mathworks.com
Subject: SSD. What's about?


Hi all,


there are a lot of rumors about Solid State Drives…or SS Disks…alfo if there are no ‘disks’ at all inside J

I’ve read some docs from NetApp and other SSD vendors.

NetApp says they support them in vFiler (so that, as native disks also? considering that vFiler nowadays can work in mixed mode) but there aren’t tech specs, availability, configurator does not provide them…

So, what’s about all this?

