OnTap 8.1.2p1
Our DBA's are complaining that our nSeries (N3220/FAS2240) is reading really slow due to it only returning small 16k blocks. The DBA's are saying the Oracle multi-block read ahead
should be reading 128 x 16k blocks = 2m read, but it's only seems to be reading/returning 16k at a time.
On a AIX filesystem mounted CIO, if I run
"dd if=/dev/zero of=z bs=1m count=9999"
I see writes of 500k.
In the same filesystem mounted CIO, if I read an existing db file
"dd if=<dbfile> of=/dev/null bs=1m"
I see reads of up to 30k.
Q) Is there a limit in OnTap on read size?
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