We are using Active Directroy for LDAP on our Linux clients. I’d like to set up the filer to be able to resolve the usernames both directions but I’m having a couple of issues. Filers are running 7.3.3. I have had this working before at a previous job but I am missing something & the docs are not quite as helpful as I’d like.


1)      I can’t get LDAP working at all (getXXbyYY is not working even though I see the filer connecting to the DC on the appropriate port but I’m missing something.

2)      Not all users have rfc2307 information set, ideally I’d use their samaccountname for both (it always matches).

3)      I am in a multiforest environment, I’d like to use Global Catalogs for my lookups instead of normal DC’s & do it on the GC port so it can retrieve info for any user on my network. This may not be possible, I am not sure.


NIS works fine, if I am not able to get this to work I’m either going to have to script a dump of AD to NIS or use the MS tools to do the same thing and do this with a usermap.cfg. Either possibility is ugly so any suggestions would be appreciated.  I’ve tried changing the ldap.minimum_bind_level to simple but it does not appear to help.


dr-array02*> options ldap


ldap.base                    dc=site,dc=company,dc=com

ldap.base.group              dc=site,dc=company,dc=com


ldap.base.passwd             dc=site,dc=company,dc=com

ldap.enable                  on       

ldap.minimum_bind_level      anonymous 

ldap.name                    cn=ldap-auth-proxy,ou=ldap,ou=services,dc=site,dc=company,dc=com

ldap.nssmap.attribute.gecos  gecos     

ldap.nssmap.attribute.gidNumber gidNumber 

ldap.nssmap.attribute.groupname cn        

ldap.nssmap.attribute.homeDirectory unixHomeDirectory

ldap.nssmap.attribute.loginShell loginShell

ldap.nssmap.attribute.memberNisNetgroup memberNisNetgroup

ldap.nssmap.attribute.memberUid memberUid 

ldap.nssmap.attribute.netgroupname cn        

ldap.nssmap.attribute.nisNetgroupTriple nisNetgroupTriple

ldap.nssmap.attribute.uid    uid       

ldap.nssmap.attribute.uidNumber uidNumber 

ldap.nssmap.attribute.userPassword userPassword

ldap.nssmap.objectClass.nisNetgroup nisNetgroup

ldap.nssmap.objectClass.posixAccount posixAccount

ldap.nssmap.objectClass.posixGroup posixGroup

ldap.passwd                  ******    

ldap.port                    389       

ldap.servers                 vm-sitedc01.site.company.com


ldap.skip_cn_unescape.enable on        

ldap.ssl.enable              off       

ldap.timeout                 20        

ldap.usermap.attribute.unixaccount uid       

ldap.usermap.attribute.windowsaccount sAMAccountName


ldap.usermap.enable          on       



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