Hi Kevin:
You may want to check into the firmware revision you are running on your switches. We ran into similar problems, but by updating firmware on the switches we were able to solve the problems.
Please contact our engineering department if you would like some specifics on what we have found with different switch and Nic card combinations.
Michael Linett - President
Zerowait Corp.  888.811.0808
High Availability Network Solutions
Zerowait is a NetApp Registered Service Provider
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----- Original Message -----
From: Noll, Kevin
To: 'toasters@mathworks.com'
Sent: Tuesday, September 04, 2001 8:11 PM
Subject: Volumes unmounting

Hi All
We have an oracle Database mounted on an E4500.  
We then have 2 filers
Filer A  has volumes
Filer B has volumes
All volumes are mounted on this one E4500, but what we have expereienced is that from filer A, the /vol/u01 mount point UNMOUNTS periodically.   About 10 times a day.  Yet the rest of the volumes dont.
Has anyone experienced this?

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