The SnapMirror rules apply the same so you can grow the target volume to the new size, then grow the source and the next snapmirror update will update the fs_size_fixed on the target.  There is no special procedure and you can grow the volumes the same as if no vfiler dr.  If you add a volume additional networking to the source vFiler, then you would need to create the volume and restrict it on the target and run a dr resync, but in this case there isn’t a new resource so just “vol size” on both sides.


From: [] On Behalf Of Iluhes
Sent: Tuesday, June 04, 2013 6:25 PM
To: Toasters
Subject: growing a vol on vFiler that is a source in Vfiler DR relationship


Hello Toasters,

What is the best procedure to grow a volume on the vFiler that is a source in VFiler DR setup.

Is there a need to break / queues replication somehow