On Mon, May 26, 2003 at 06:24:20PM +0200, Stephane Bentebba wrote:
may i know what do you mean by much worse ?
In reference to log messages, I've seen my toaster spew:
Mon May 19 14:56:04 PDT [CIFSAuthen:info]: Error c00000df looking up
domain groups
It seems no one really knows what the code "c00000df" really means...
...further, even though there is an "error" in the logs things seemingly
remain working...
In my opinion, this is MUCH worse than replacing the quota.<>.limit.notice
entry with the network interface, but still containing the actual quota
...just my $0.02.
David Le Blanc wrote:
On Fri, May 23, 2003 at 06:54:17PM +0200, Stephane Bentebba wrote:
i confirm, its normal,
this way you know throught wich interface someone go over its quota (if
you care)
Piotr KUCHARSKI wrote:
Is it only me who is bothered by this:
Fri May 23 17:12:52 CEST [quota.softlimit.exceeded:notice]: Threshold
exceeded for user 22638, tree 0 on volume v
Fri May 23 17:18:12 CEST [GbE-II/e8:notice]: uid 22638: disk quota
exceeded on volume v. Additional warnings will be suppressed for
approximately 60 minutes or until either a 'quota resize' is performed.
While first message is quite right, the second one has
"GbE-II/e8" instead of "quota.hardlimit.exceeded" or similar.
I've contacted NetApp about this and they just stated "nothing
to worry about, it is normal".
PS Instead of GbE-II/e8 can be any of your primary network interfaces name.
Sure, its annoying and "normal", but I've seen MUCH worse. ;-)
Dave Le Blanc
Unix Systems Administrator
Computer Science Department
California Institute of Technology