With all the missteps NA has had getting C-mode out the door I don't think they can really push it on anyone. Remember Auspex 1.8.  Where's Auspex now?

I know they have fixed many of the early C-mode issues but I also know we are going to approach it very carefully when it has the full feature set. 

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On Jun 17, 2012, at 10:24 AM, "Milazzo Giacomo" <G.Milazzo@sinergy.it> wrote:

Hi all,


I’ve recently attended an official event where people from NetApp in few words said:


DOT 8 7-mode has done its time, it’s over, it has been a great os but It’s now time to move and push DOT 8 Cluster Mode, everytime, everywhere…” and this also if with a simple two node HA system, including 2220!


What do you think about? Also let us assume that cluster mode can (I add ‘theoretically’) do all what 7 mode does, don’t you think that is quite premature to trumpet this out?




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