_______________________________________________On Tue, Feb 10, 2015 at 11:13 AM, Mark Flint<mf1@sanger.ac.uk> wrote:Anone seen this type of message in their AD logs:-The session setup from the computer NETAPP12B failed to authenticate. The name(s) of the account(s) referenced in the security database is NETAPP12B$. The following error occurred: The system detected a possible attempt to compromise security. Please ensure that you can contact the server that authenticated you.And have an idea of why their appearing (all seems well with auth and CIFS ) and what I need to alter to make them stop, ‘cos my AD guy would;d like ti to atop, without him adding a new mail rule :)I guess that unless you create a mail rule you need to bring the whole security of the domain down to nt4 levels.--regards,
Thanks in advance,~Mark
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