OK, resizing the flexgroup added some space to the constituent volume
(to all of them, actually) and now it has free space. But a look at the
eight CVs in the FG shows they range from 22% to 68% full. Is something
keeping them more or less balanced? If so, how did it fail? And if not,
what the hell?
On 5/26/2021 8:47 AM, Rue, Randy wrote:
> sure enough, that constituent volume is completely full:
> scarab::> vol show -vserver scharpdata -is-constituent true
> Vserver Volume Aggregate State Type Size
> Available Used%
> --------- ------------ ------------ ---------- ---- ----------
> ---------- -----
> scharpdata scharp_systems__0002 scarab_b_SSD_1 online RW 448GB
> 0B 100%
> now what?
> On 5/26/2021 8:38 AM, Vanderyt, Jeff wrote:
>> vol show -vserver vserver_name -is-constituent true
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