aggr show_space -h
Aggregate 'aggr0'
Total space WAFL reserve Snap reserve Usable space BSR NVLOG A-SIS Smtape
39TB 4046GB 0KB 35TB 0KB 13TB 0KB
Space allocated to volumes in the aggregate
Volume Allocated Used Guarantee
vol0 469GB 16GB volume
app3_root 251GB 2837MB volume
app3_vol1 3040GB 2405GB volume
vol1 15TB 15TB none
app3_vol2 522GB 395GB volume
Aggregate Allocated Used Avail
Total space 19TB 18TB 2244GB
Snap reserve 0KB 0KB 0KB
WAFL reserve 4046GB 430GB 3615GB
> df -hA
Aggregate total used avail capacity
aggr0 35TB 33TB 2248GB 94%
aggr0/.snapshot 0TB 0TB 0TB ---%