on the fibre channel drive shelves it updates the firmware on
both the a/b loop. if you run the shelf firmware updater on one side of
the cluster you do not need to do it on the other side. it is also non
disruptive and does not interfere with data access.
on the SATA shelves
it is disruptive, the download command will tell you if it is disruptive or not
before you proceed.
Daniel Leeds
Senior Systems
-----Original Message-----
owner-toasters@mathworks.com on behalf of Nils Vogels
Sent: Fri 3/9/2007
12:45 AM
To: tmac
Cc: toasters@mathworks.com
Subject: Re: Upgrading
Data OnTap
On 3/8/07, tmac <tmacmd@gmail.com> wrote:
Personally, I would:
> copy the 7.1.2_setup_x.exe file to the
/etc/software directory on each filer.
> Then from the console of
each filer:
> options raid.background_disk_fw_update.enable
> (turns off auto updating of disk
> software install filename (the filename from
> While at it, get and extract the latest all.zip and
all_fw.zip files
> (disk and shelf FW) into the /etc dir on each
> Optionally, with cluster still enabled, run
> to update all disk firmware
(lessens downtime at reboot)
> usually only
needed on one head. When complete, run on
other head to be sure.
> storage download
> to update shelf firmware (lessens
downtime at reboot)
> usually only needed on
one head. When complete, run on
> other head
to be sure.
> options raid.background_disk_fw_update.enable
> (turns the auto updating of disk
firmware back on)
I'm preparing to do a NDU 7.0 -> 7.1 and was
wondering: When you do
the storage download shelf on one head, will it update
the firmware on
both the A-loop and B-loop ?
I would expect not, since
one head is only connected to one loop in a
plain cluster config. AFAIK,
downloading shelf firmware takes a
quiesce of a loop and a controller reboot,
and my customer really
would like to have a functional system during this
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