A little, thanks. At least I know where to find it now. 
I was rather hoping that I wouldn't have to do a two-pass though. I might have to settle for running a df over ssh instead. 

The one silver lining is that I don't need this data with a particularly high resolution - 5 minute CPU loads is useful, 5 minute 'df' isn't nearly so much :). 

On 23 April 2015 at 14:47, Oliver Brakmann <oliver.brakmann+toasters@posteo.de> wrote:

On 2015-04-23 14:58, Edward Rolison wrote:
> There's just one thing missing - how much of the 'snap reserve' I'm
> actually using.

That is indeed hard to find. When you call 'snapshot-list-info' on the
volume, you'll get back an array of snapshot-info objects. The value you
want is in the last snapshot's 'cumulative-total' field (in kilobytes,

Hope this helps!

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