totally unsupported.

For starters, the NVRAM is different in these models.
Still, head swaps, as far as I know, are not supported during takeover/giveback....
Environment variables are set that may be unique also. Been a while since I have checked.

You need to be careful with disk assignments (software ownership)
networking interfaces may not line up and will require correction.

Basically, don't do it. Don't try it. Follow the upgrade guide.


Tim McCarthy
Principal Consultant


Clustered ONTAP                                                        Clustered ONTAP
 NCDA ID: XK7R3GEKC1QQ2LVD        RHCE5 805007643429572      NCSIE ID: C14QPHE21FR4YWD4
 Expires: 08 November 2014                 Expires w/release of RHEL7      Expires: 08 November 2014

On Mon, Apr 15, 2013 at 8:55 AM, Jan-Pieter Cornet <> wrote:

Does anyone have experience doing a head swap of a FMC, from 6080 heads to 6290 heads? And hints beyond what's already in the "Upgrading a FAS60xx system in an HA pair to a FAS62xx system in an HA pair" document?

Is there any reason why you can't do this, during a HA pair upgrade, to limit service downtime:
- doing a failover of node 1 to node 2.
- shut down and replace the hardware of node 1.
- shutting down node 2.
- bring up the now-replaced node 1, reassign disks, and takeover node 2 on the new node 1.
- replacing the node 2 hardware
- doing a giveback on node 1 to node 2.

Jan-Pieter Cornet
"Most seasonal greetings are sent by spammers and phishers."

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