It doesn't seem to matter what size
file, it is just a longer wait with a big file. I'm using dd to write a
1 gig file from /dev/zero to the filer. I've tried with both AIX 4.3.3
and 5.2.1 with similar results.
"Deepak Soneji"
<> Sent by:
We do have AIX servers connected to F960.
No issues. What size
file are you trying to dd ?
Deepak Soneji
----- Original Message ----- Sent: Monday, October 27, 2003 3:05 PM
Subject: AIX write performance
I am having difficulty with large file writes to an f720 from any of my
IBM hosts, if I start a large write with dd then try to do anything on
the filer from that host it hangs until the write completes. From a different
host access to the filer is near normal. I do not have this problem with
linux boxes on the same network so it seems that the problem lies with
AIX somehow. IBM has been sympathetic although not very helpful.