I looked real closely at the Highground stuff.  There's a module called Prospector that will allow me to do what I need at the file level.  I'm afraid that it's going to cost an arm and a leg, though.  I haven't looked at BMC too closely yet but I will.  Hopefully the price will be more attractive.

Thank you all for your input.  It has helped tremendously!

-----Original Message-----
From: Jeffrey Krueger [mailto:jkrueger@qualcomm.com]
Sent: Monday, July 09, 2001 2:52 PM
To: Honeycutt, Michael
Cc: 'Coartney, Paul'; 'Jay Newton'; 'toasters@mathworks.com'
Subject: Re: Looking for drive space utilization reports

This is true Michael. 

DFM is a very nice multi-filer management tool and is tightly integrated
with the filers.  It has lots of useful reports, especially for multi-filer
sites that are trying to find a chunk of free space or figure out how much
they can expand certain filers.

DFM will not do two of the things Jay asked for though - it will not tell
you the type of data using the space, nor will it tell you which users are
putting it there.  It is more designed to be a multi-filer management tool
than a storage management tool.

Highground will (somewhat) do what Jay is looking for.  He may also
consider looking into BMC.  They bill their storage management tools as
being "Application specific" - that is they have a capability of mapping
certain applications (like Oracle) to data usage.  Like Highground, BMC has
an agent-based architecture; however, I'm not sure of Highground's support
for "Tier 1 storage".  BMC has agents for monitoring NetApp as well as EMC
Symetrix, Hitachi, etc.

Good luck Jay!

-- Jeff

On Mon, Jul 09, 2001 at 12:02:35PM -0400, Honeycutt, Michael wrote:
> The reason I suggested Highground is because it has the ability to monitor
> "soft" quotas. It wont enforce quotas on the filer, but it will e-mail users
> when they are close to reaching their quota. As far as I know, the Data
> Fabric Manager doesnt have this functionality. Is this true or is my mind
> clouded from last weeks vacation?
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Coartney, Paul [mailto:Paul.Coartney@netapp.com]
> Sent: Monday, July 09, 2001 11:46 AM
> To: Honeycutt, Michael; 'Jay Newton'; 'toasters@mathworks.com'
> Subject: RE: Looking for drive space utilization reports
> NetApp has a new tool called Data Fabric Manager that may fit your
> requirements, and is a lot cheaper than highground.  You may want to call
> your sales rep and get a demo.
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Honeycutt, Michael [mailto:MichaelHoneycutt@NC.SLR.com]
> Sent: Monday, July 09, 2001 4:59 AM
> To: 'Jay Newton'; 'toasters@mathworks.com'
> Subject: RE: Looking for drive space utilization reports
> Try this link. http://www.highground.com/ <http://www.highground.com/>
> FYI, this company is a subsidary of Sun Microsystems. They can arrange a
> free demo if you are interested.
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Jay Newton [mailto:jnewton@chkenergy.com]
> Sent: Thursday, July 05, 2001 11:28 AM
> To: 'toasters@mathworks.com'
> Subject: Looking for drive space utilization reports
> I am trying to find a good tool, preferrably Windows-based, that can help me
> gather statistics on space utilization.  I need this for our F840 Filer we
> currently use, but I would like to be able to use it to look at space usage
> elsewhere.  I'm needing statistics on how much drive space is used, the type
> of data using it, and which users are putting it there.
> Anyone out there have any ideas?
> Jay Newton
> Systems Engineer
> Chesapeake Operating
> 6112-114
> (405)810-2683
> (405)879-9578 fax