You can't map groups, but if you can ensure that every Windows user belongs to a group that can read/write the files.  Each CIFS user will map to a UNIX user with UNIX groups.

If, by some chance the controller can't map to a UNIX user, you can set the option cifs.default_unix_user to the UNIX user who owns the files.  But this only works if the controller can't map to a UNIX user.

-- Adam Fox
Typed with my thumbs on a very small keyboard.

----- Original Message -----
From: Oskar Pienkos <>
To: <>
Sent: Fri Dec 05 17:36:06 2008
Subject: Unix <=> NTFS permissions question

Hello Toaster Experts!

We are currently mounting an NFS directory, e.g. /home/production from a filer to a Solaris 10 box.  Security is done by local passwd entries.  We need to export this directory via CIFS with read and write access to a group of windows developers ( a group in Active Directory.)  Is there a way to do this without converting the filer security from UNIX to NTFS? The shares is owned by a single unix UID but will be accessed by multiple AD users. Is there a way to translate AD groups into Unix groups since usermap.cfg seems to translate only user IDs.
We don't want to run mixed-mode security.

Thanks a lot.
