Hi toaster,
We are looking for the Ontapp version which would
well support the "fast access restore" functionnality.
By this, I mean, a way to restore files without
being obliged to read the end of the tape where ACL usually remain.
Do someone is awarded of this functionality ?
Is it the same than Direct Access Restore ?
Which version wouldyou advise me to use on a F740
machine ? In looking at now.netapp.com search & bugs, and I noted as
relevent 537R3 and 611R2 but the costumer would like a 'real' stable version
like 537R3; as the 611R2 will be soon replace by the 612, I can't advise him
this version. What's your opinion on that ? What is the first version supporting
at 100% the DAR functionnality (if it is the same as "fast access
Fanku much by advance -