I can't see how this would be the case as long as you're SnapMirror relationships are volume-based, which vfiler migrate should do by default.  But if you are migrating at the qtree level, clients would have to remount.

-- Adam Fox
Typed with my thumbs on a very small keyboard.

----- Original Message -----
From: Buerger, Andreas <andreas.buerger@wincor-nixdorf.com>
To: toasters@mathworks.com <toasters@mathworks.com>
Sent: Thu Nov 27 11:14:08 2008
Subject: vfiler migrate - qtree level mounts


I want to perform a vfiler migrate in a production evironment this
weekend, and regarding that I had a deeper look at the documentation at
I did the migrate procedure some times before but always with non
production data, and every time the migration went smooth without any
client interuption (just nfs access).

But when I had a deeper look at the documentation I was a little worried
about the following chapter, how does a vfiler migration affect clients:

.html#c_oc_prov_vfiler-dr-how-migrating-affects-clients (same at the
7.2.5 documenation)

# NFS volume-level mounts move transparently.
# NFS qtree-level mounts need to be remounted.

I tested that yesterday and and I can't reproduce that qtree level
mounts need to be remounted after a vfiler migrate.
Nearly every mount in our environment is based on the qtree level, so we
would have a big problem if that's true.
When I performed vfiler migrations in the past I never had any errors,
it was just like a filer reboot or takeover, and I'm pretty sure that I
had a lot qtree level mounts on the clients that were affected.

Can anybody explain, why a qtree level mount needs be remounted like the
documentation says?
And whats the difference for the client if it mounts a complete volume
like filer:/vol/volume or a qtree like filer:/vol/volume/qtree?

May be someone can put me on the right way.


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