Need more data.

How about, from the client:

"mount" -> showing the options and nfs versions

from the cdot:
"set advanced; vserver nfs show -instance" -> show all the nfs vserver fields

Also could very well be a network problem.

Look at the client (netstat -i) looking for input/output errors
You can do the same on the netapp:

sys node run * -command netstat -i (this will execute on each cdot node)

What about jumbo frame mismatches? or even flow-control mis-matches.

All this should be checked out.

On Mon, Dec 22, 2014 at 2:41 PM, Iluhes <> wrote:
Hi Folks,
New cdot isntall, new NFS vserver. NFS shares can be mounted OK on linnux and solaris clients.
I can mkdir and touch files. Copy or move or DD or any I/O operation completly hangs the mount point, the process cannot be Control-C, and kill -9 does not even help

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