rsize and wsize set to 32k on your nfs v3 client?

Francis Kim | Engineer
510-644-1599 x334 |
BerkCom |
NetApp | Cisco | Supermicro | Brocade | VMware

On Jul 22, 2015, at 6:53 AM, Roy McMorran <> wrote:

Hi Philbert, thanks for the reply!

I chose the 8K blocksize because that's what our database will be using, so it seemed like a close approximation of our data load (which is where the problem first became evident).  I am planning to try a few different sizes as an experiment, as well as different NFS mount options.

Yes I am using link aggregation.  My switch tells me that all this traffic is using only one of the two physical links, but the NFS throughput I'm seeing would barely saturate a 100Mb link so that doesn't seem like a concern.

Zero network errors on the switch, the server and the NetApp, at any layer.

Yes we've collected several perfstats in the course of working the case.  Their analysis hasn't pointed out any issues thus far.

One interesting data point - iSCSI performs MUCH better than NFS. I'm about to post a followup about that experiment.

Thanks everyone for the help so far!


On 7/21/15 10:54 PM, Philbert Rupkins wrote:
Disclaimer:   Still on 7-mode so these commands may not apply to cluster mode.    NetApp Technical Support should have gone through this with you so this may not be of any help.      This information would be in a perfstat as well.

During the test, how does disk utilization look with the following commands.  CPU?

# sysstat -u 1
# stats show disk:*:disk_busy   -- look for hot spots in this output.
# sysstat -m 1

Check out nfs statistics.   You may need to explore the options available with nfsstat

#  nfsstat

Check on any tcp errors.

# netstat -s

Check for any increasing error statistics on the ethernet interface

# ifstat -a

Are you using link aggregation on your NetApp's 10G nics?

Perhaps try a larger block size with IOZONE?

Did you add all your disks to the aggregate RG's at once? By chance, did you create the aggregate with the minimum number of disks, create the volume then add more disks to the aggregate later?    If yes, look into reallocating the volume as you may have a few hot spots.

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