I did see some references also referring to 2200 systems... But that might be exclusively for root-data SSD vols.
So Mike, whether the new partitioning scheme is applicable to your old controllers depends on some factors you haven't told us yet...   ;-)

In any case, update to 8.3 will be NDU, but re-partitioning the drives will not be 'In-Place'. cDOT volume move should help, and you might be able to get some swing gear or organize some yourself... Like:
- Update to 8.3
- Attach extra shelf
- Evacuate your drives
- Destroy old Aggr(s)
- Re-Partition (don't know details yet about this one...)
- Move your stuff back onto the re-partitioned drives
- Do Non-Disruptive Shelf Removal

My 2c


On 10/31/2014 5:57 AM, Daniel Burkland wrote:
Also keep in mind that drive partitioning will only be supported on 25xx & all flash fas configurations (at least for now).

Dan Burkland

Sent from my mobile device, please excuse typos.

On Oct 30, 2014, at 1:38 PM, tmac <tmacmd@gmail.com> wrote:

Tip change to the new poisoning scheme requires evacuation and reinstalling on those disks. There is no in place migration to the new partitioning scheme

On Thursday, October 30, 2014, Mike Gossett <cmgossett@gmail.com> wrote:
Hi all:

It looks like the ontap 8.3 release is out.  Does anyone have any information about the upgrade process from 8.2.2 c-mode?  My NetApp SE informed me that with 8.3 they are doing away with the required 6 dedicated disks for the cluster storage... i'm curious if this upgrade path is minimally disruptive.  


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