This is not currently available in cDOT, but has been a popular request.


Snapmirror is currently the only way to do this.


From: [] On Behalf Of Alexander Griesser
Sent: Tuesday, July 29, 2014 8:50 AM
To: Crawford, Mark (CBC); Borzenkov, Andrey;
Subject: AW: cDOT - Move Volume from vserver to another?


Yes, there’s no real option to move the volume to a different vserver – there has been vfiler migrate in 7-modes multistore featureset which could have been used for that, but I cannot find anything here that’s able to do the same on cDOT.




Alexander Griesser



ANEXIA Internetdienstleistungs GmbH





Anschrift Hauptsitz Klagenfurt: Feldkirchnerstraße 140, 9020 Klagenfurt

Geschäftsführer: Alexander Windbichler

Firmenbuch: FN 289918a | Gerichtsstand: Klagenfurt | UID-Nummer: AT U63216601


Von: Crawford, Mark (CBC) [mailto:Mark.Crawford@CapBlueCross.COM]
Gesendet: Dienstag, 29. Juli 2014 14:49
An: Alexander Griesser; Borzenkov, Andrey;
Betreff: RE: cDOT - Move Volume from vserver to another?


I don’t use clustered mode yet, but have you tried using the volume command?  Again, I don’t run c-mode yet, still using 7-mode.


Volume offline –vserver vFiler01 –volume Volume01

Volume online –vserver vFiler02 –volume Volume01



From: [] On Behalf Of Alexander Griesser
Sent: Tuesday, July 29, 2014 8:40 AM
To: Borzenkov, Andrey;
Subject: AW: cDOT - Move Volume from vserver to another?


Thanks, Andrey – I’m happy that it’s not just me being unable to do that but on the other side I find it strange that a simple operation like that is not possible in cDOT…


I will try my luck with snapmirror and see if that would help me get it going – for NDMP and snapmirror I will definitely have to note the LUN serials in before and restore them manually afterwards before bringing the LUNs offline; the problem with snapmirror or ndmp is just that it’s a copy process after all so it takes some time to complete (leaving alone the fact that I would also need the space for that) and I wanted to just quickly change the presenting vFiler for our customer in a short maintenance window – seems that the maintenance window will be a bit longer now :-/




Alexander Griesser



ANEXIA Internetdienstleistungs GmbH





Anschrift Hauptsitz Klagenfurt: Feldkirchnerstraße 140, 9020 Klagenfurt

Geschäftsführer: Alexander Windbichler

Firmenbuch: FN 289918a | Gerichtsstand: Klagenfurt | UID-Nummer: AT U63216601


Von: Borzenkov, Andrey []
Gesendet: Dienstag, 29. Juli 2014 14:23
An: Alexander Griesser;
Betreff: RE: cDOT - Move Volume from vserver to another?


No. And if someone knows tricks how to do it - please share!


The only way is to use snapmirror (or ndmpcopy … although I’m not sure whether external ndmcopy handles LUN correctly, and there is no internal one …)



From: [] On Behalf Of Alexander Griesser
Sent: Tuesday, July 29, 2014 4:06 PM
Subject: cDOT - Move Volume from vserver to another?


Hey there,


is it possible to move a volume from one vserver to another one on the same node and by using the same aggregate?

I can find plenty of possibilities to move a volume to a different physical node or aggregate, but not for what I want to do.



node01 -> aggr01 -> vFiler01 -> Volume01 -> LUN01

node01 -> aggr01 -> vFiler02 -> Volume01 -> LUN01


so basically, I want to „dismount“ Volume01 from „vFiler01“ and mount it on „vFiler02“ – is that possible at all?




Alexander Griesser



ANEXIA Internetdienstleistungs GmbH





Anschrift Hauptsitz Klagenfurt: Feldkirchnerstraße 140, 9020 Klagenfurt

Geschäftsführer: Alexander Windbichler

Firmenbuch: FN 289918a | Gerichtsstand: Klagenfurt | UID-Nummer: AT U63216601


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