Hi all
I need to append the .UTF-8 to the language code of some
volume with a mixed security.
I need to know if this can change or alter the name of the
files there contained, accessing them both from NFS and CIFS.
This because using Enterprise Vault SP2 on a NetApp share
and placeholder (policy ad hoc for ev) the size of archived files reports “0”
bytes instead of the real value reflecting the original data…
My EV is 7.5 SP2 but I’ve only found a doc related to
EV v.6 SP2 (http://seer.entsupport.symantec.com/docs/282785.htm)
and I put here an extract of the readme attached to EV installation:
Anyway supposing that they’re right, can I add this
UTF-8 and be sure?
Thanks a lot
Filer placeholder shortcuts appear to be 0 KB [Ref
E1029910, E1017992, DOR1006]
shortcuts created on NetApp Filers fail to reflect the original file size,
appearing instead to be 0 KB, if either of the following conditions applies:
To avoid
the second condition, you can append .UTF-8 to the language setting on
the NetApp Filer. To do this, enter the following command from the NetApp
Filer's administration console:
vol lang volume_name
where volume_name
specifies the volume, and language_code is the code for the language
vol lang vol0
Note: You can
view a list of the language settings the NetApp Filer supports by entering the
following command:
vol lang