From: Kenneth Heal <>
Sent: Thursday, August 27, 2009 1:10:57 PM
Subject: RE: SMVI / VMWare Experiences...
This sounds a lot like Bug 324112: SMVI does not backup VMs if snapshot creation takes longer than default timeout period of 15 minutes you have VMs managed by different ESX hosts but stored in same VMFS datastore?
Could you let us know the exact error messages you see in the VC server logs and the ESX server logs.
Also when this fails do you see anything in the Windows system event logs; if it is this bug then the second question is why it is taking intermittently so long to create the snapshot.
Sorry to answer the question with just another bunch of questions.
> Subject: RE: SMVI / VMWare Experiences...
> Date: Thu, 27 Aug 2009 09:42:01
> From:> To:> CC:;>
> Thanks for the response!
> No iSCSI here, I've been over the best practices, we're pretty close to
> what's laid out there.
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Sels Roger [mailto:]
> Sent: Wednesday, August 26, 2009 11:30 PM
> To: Ken Williams
> Cc: Klise, Steve;> Subject: Re: SMVI / VMWare Experiences...
> Hi,
> you might be hitting the "VMware bug" as described in
>> .
> Also take a look at chapter 8 of
>> .
> Cheers,
> Roger
> On 27-aug-09, at 02:18, Ken Williams wrote:
>> Thank you for the input.
>> I disagree with the "If you can do a VM snapshot, then its an issue
>> with SMVI." statement. VM Snapshots do not do the same functions as a
>> SMVI snapshot call to the ESX API (As per
VMWare Technical Support).
>> This is definably a communication between VSS/GuestOS/ESX Host issue.
>> Or some greater misconfiguration...
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: Klise, Steve [mailto:]
>> Sent: Wednesday, August 26, 2009 3:09 PM
>> To: Ken Williams;>> Subject: RE: SMVI / VMWare Experiences...
>> Couple things you have hit on, but I will regurgitate,
>> *
>> Make sure you have the latest tools installed WITH THE VSS
>> OPTION. A reboot is required
>> *
>> check for any SMVI snapshots. We run a morning monitoring
>> report that has this. Its great and anyone running ESX should
use it.
>> *
>> I have had issues with timeouts. If you can do a VM snapshot,
>> then its an issue with SMVI. If you can't you need to start there.
>> *
>> I have seen issues with older 2.5.x and 3.x that neededt the
>> hardware upgraded on the VM.
>> *
>> check disk timeouts
>> here were a couple of other things I ran across:
>> Solution
>> SnapManager for VI utilizes an internal database to keep track of
>> these locks and provides persistence across reboots. Simply rebooting
>> the SnapManager for VI host will not clear these locks.
>> If you want to remove all currently running tasks in SMVI, perform the
>> following:
>> 1. Stop SnapManager for VI
>> 2. Remove the /server/crashdb directory.
>> 3. Start SnapManager for VI service.
>> Performing these steps will not affect the scheduled jobs nor remove
>> them from the interface. It will kill and remove any outstanding or in
>> process tasks
>> ________________________________
>> From: on behalf of Ken Williams
>> Sent: Wed 8/26/2009 2:32 PM
>> To:>> Subject: SMVI / VMWare Experiences...
>> I'm looking for some experiences people out there may have with SMVI
>> with NetApp. We're
currently experiencing major issues with SMVI
>> snapshots failing. I've had open tickets with NetApp/VMWare/Microsoft
>> for 3 months and still have yet to have a solution.
>> My environment looks like such:
>> * 6 x HP DL380 G5 (32gb Ram) in a ESX Cluster
>> * Dual Emulex 10000 Cards in each host.
>> * Cisco MDS SAN
>> * Netapp FAS3070 Cluster ~9tb aggregate for VMWare.
>> * VMFS Datastores ~10-15 VMs per datastore. ~50gb per VM.
>> * ASIS Turned on
>> * Volume and LUNspace reservation turned off
>> * OnTap
>> * Windows 2003 Guest OS.
>> I cant see us reaching any limitation on the Filers or the SAN. Yet we
>> have random VMs failing snapshots every night. Are other people seeing
>> these issues? (I've gone through the gamut of troubleshooting, version
management of ESX/VMWareTools/etc). Snapshots timeout and fail at the
>> VMWare/Guest level, not at the Netapp snapshot level.
>> We want to have SMVI function with VSS enabled.
>> Has anyone had failing snapshots been able to resolve a similar issue?
>> Or does anyone have SMVI working properly that we could use as a
>> reference to compare configuration?
>> __________________________________________________________
>> Ken Williams
>> Storage Administrator, Business Technology Operations Sacramento
>> Municipal Utility District
>> E-Mail:>> Phone: (916) 732-6744
>> Cell: (916)
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