Thank you around the world to those that defended my right to be an a@@

Uddhav Regmi <> wrote:

Just making sure…..


From: [] On Behalf Of Sto Rage©
Sent: Wednesday, October 31, 2012 11:18 PM
To: Ray Van Dolson
Subject: Re: Clarification on CIFS Permissions (ONTAP 8.0.2P3)



On Wed, Oct 31, 2012 at 5:45 PM, Ray Van Dolson <> wrote:

Where is this default "Everyone" permission set set by default?  It
doesn't seem to be tied to the CIFS share security settings so I
presume it's an NTFS qtree default?



Yes, the NTFS security defaults to Everyone when a NTFS qtree is created. We normally don't set the permissions at the share level, it is set at the security level on NTFS.  The first step is to remove Everyone, add a share administrator - full control and then the user groups with modify.




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