Jeffrey Krueger wrote:
Sounds like you're getting pretty close Dale!!
I think so.  The point of success/failure is pretty close, one way or another, I think :-)  Only one more issue, see below:
On Fri, Jan 04, 2002 at 03:30:09PM -0400, Dale Gass wrote:
1. Tried putting the old controller card back in, to try the 
disk_fw_update_fix to attempt to fix the spinup problem with the old
controller card. No dice. In order to apply the firmware update, it
needs to at least see the drive, and with the old controller card, it's
not even seeing the drive. It scans the other drives, but doesn't apply
the firmware, as it says the firmware patch is only for 118202FC drives,
and I have all 118203FC. So I'm guessing there's no reviving that old
controller card; it's not a spin-up issue, but a dead controller, period.

Seems like a reasonable assumption, lets go with it!

which is what I'm using as field names to try and edit the label.  I'm 
guessing they mean something like this:

Doing this from memory and I'm a bit foggy:

Magic - What type the disk is RAID or SPARE

I think there is also BROKEN, but you won't need that.

Time - Time the raid group was created

This is some codification of the last time the disk labels got updated.

Gen - I don't know; some unique ID per raid group, I assume

This is a some sort of generation counter that gets incremented - also on
label updates I beleive.
Cool.  "Generation" was indeed the keyword required to change it.  So that's taken care of.
Shutdown - Shutdown time?

Actually a flag on whether the volume was shutdown clean

Fsid - File system ID

Yup - distinguishes one volume from another

Rgid - Raid group id

Correct again, be aware you can have multiple raid groups in one volume so
read the fsid and rgid fields closely.

Rgdn - Raid group disk number

Yes, and disk number zero should be the parity disk for that RAID group.

Total - Total disks in the raid group

Both right on the nose. Be aware there are two labels on every disk. Each
set of labels is updated one at a time so that if the filer crashes, you
should have at least one good set.
After setting the "generation" properly, I thought the "total" field would be updated correctly, but it is not.  My labels for the disk in question, and the few around it, are as follows:
7.27  : RAID/1009983010/408/0 100437a/0/9/38/ RAID/1009983010/408/0 100437a/0/9/38/
7.16 : RAID/1009983010/408/0 100437a/0/10/38/ RAID/1009983010/408/0 100437a/0/10/38/
7.26 : RAID/1009983010/408/0 100437a/0/11/1/ RAID/1009983010/408/0 100437a/0/11/1/
7.17 : RAID/1009983010/408/0 100437a/0/12/38/ RAID/1009983010/408/0 100437a/0/12/38/
7.21 : RAID/1009983010/408/0 100437a/0/13/38/ RAID/1009983010/408/0 100437a/0/13/38/
So everything looks fine for my 7.26 drive that I'm trying to get to rejoin the group, *except* for the "total" field, which is /1/ instead of /38/ like everyone else.  I'm not going to attempt the rebuild, until someone can help me figure out how to change that, or confirm that it's not necessary :-)

"total" doesn't work as a keyword in the label editor.

Anyone know?
So, I'm able to type in "magic" to set the magic, "time" to set the 
time, "fsid" to set the file system ID, "rgdn" to set the raid group
disk number properly. (I can't set "total", but I guess that's
computed.) However, I can't seem to set the "gen". "gen" isn't
accepted as a field name. Without setting it, my disk label shows up as

7.26 : RAID/1009983010/0/0 100437a/0/11/1/ RAID/1009983010/0/0

So it looks like it's in it's on raid group (with a total of 1 disks).

Does anyone know how to set that third field (that is 408 in my case),
known as "gen"???? I think I'm close on this, just need that one more
bit of information :-)

It has been a while since I've run a label edit. Try "generation" as a
field name to edit the gen.
Yes, that indeed worked!  :-)
If it doesn't join the raid group happily after getting this labelled 
right, or the raid doesn't rebuild, then my last course of action will
be to pull that drive, and use the "ignore medium errors" on a raid
rebuild. If the medium errors are kept to a minimum, I should have most
of the data. If not, oh well, at least I tried :-) And it's on to the
lengthy tape restore...

Good luck!
Thanks.  I'll let folks know how I finally make out with this adventure :-)


-- Jeff