Hi all,


Got a strange issue...


We need to have some local username and passwords to allow things (services etc) to FTP to our filers to get/put files.  No great shakes I thought,  however I have a little problem.


Unless the volume and qtree security style is set to UNIX, I get permission denied.  E.g. I have a user in our /etc/passwd file, with a homedir configured as /vol/ftptest/.  If volume ftptest is set to UNIX security,  then I can log in via FTP with the username/password in /etc/passwd and list/put/get files etc without a problem.  The second I set the security on the volume to "mixed", it all stops,  and every FTP command including "ls" returns "insufficient privileges".  Put it back to unix,  and hey presdo.


Whys this an issue?  Well a) some of the things that we are going to need to FTP to/from are in mixed volumes,  and b) I will need a couple of directories that will be accessable via FTP and a CIFS share.


If it helps, we are not licensed for NFS, only CIFS.


Any ideas?






BTW, have a case open with NetApp,  but I am still working on it with them...

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