This was taken off of Netapps web page regarding transferring licences.
I think it speaks for itself as far a Netapps legal position.
All Network Appliance software license terms and conditions specify a "license to use," therefore software cannot legally transfer from one owner to another. Anyone purchasing used hardware equipment must also purchase new software licenses directly either from Network Appliance or from an authorized Network Appliance reseller. Software includes all protocols as well as streaming licenses, Snap products, and other software. Anyone trying to sell you "used software" would be violating the terms of the license. Support contracts such as warranty and maintenance agreements are also non-transferable.
-----Original Message-----
From: []
Sent: Monday, January 21, 2002 10:09 AM
Subject: Re: Netapp alternatives

In a message dated 1/18/2002 4:06:48 PM Central Standard Time, writes:

but if you're just looking
to save a few $, then I would suggest considering stepping down to an F810
or even F87 before ruling out NetApp on price (I may be reading too much
into your post here).

Hello, Joe:

You don't necessarily have to "step down" to an F810 or F87 -- let alone abandon NetApp altogether for Sun or Procom or Compaq -- to save money.

There are great buys on a limited number of used NetApp filers available today -- F720s, F740s and F760s with transferable NFS, CIFS and even CLUSTER licenses.  As such, I don't believe there is any reason a NAS user has to settle for a "non-NetApp" solution because of price.



Scott Fischmann
Union Computer Exchange, Inc.
6233 Idylwood Lane
Minneapolis, MN 55436
Phone: 952 935 7282
FAX: 952 935 5056