I agree with Stetson, software install is the way to go.
As to the FilerView problem, please see if bug 234824 fits your situation.  It could be client side JRE 1.6.0 interacting with SSL.  The workaround stated in the bug is:
Return to a 1.5.x release of the JRE or switch off SSL (with the reduced
security); or
Configure the JRE to NOT use the TLS1.0 protocol,
by performing the below procedure.  On a Windows client,
Control Panel->Java->Advanced settings tab->Security List-> UNSELECT
the TLS1.0 protocol and restart the browser.
   - Rick -
-----Original Message-----
From: Webster, Stetson
Sent: Wednesday, March 12, 2008 1:33 PM
To: Timothy Hollingworth; toasters@mathworks.com
Subject: RE: Some Filerview Pages Not Working

Assuming that the entire install was successful, there is a bug report on that.  It happens to be an issue with some java setting (I don't remember which).  In short, there is a simple setting to fix this.

Now, back to the initial comment on the success of the upgrade:  using the 'software install' command rather than unzipping into the vol0 share is always your best bet to unravel the files properly.

Unless you used the 'software install' method, It is possible that files in /etc/java can be missing, etc

Good luck


 -----Original Message-----
From:   Timothy Hollingworth [mailto:thollingsworth@EPLUS.com]
Sent:   Wednesday, March 12, 2008 01:21 PM Pacific Standard Time
To:     toasters@mathworks.com
Subject:        Some Filerview Pages Not Working

Upgrade of N'tap 7.0.x to 7.2.4 and now some filerview pages initialize java and then do not display. Happens with IE 6 and 7, various windows versions and Mozilla as well.

Filer --> Use Command Line
Filer --> Configure Autosupport

And other pages.

Anyone see this issue?

Timothy L. Hollingworth | Sr. Network Engineer | ePlus Technology Inc.
MCSE | VMware VCP | HP ASE-BladeSystem | NetApp ASA/NACA | Symantec Technical Specialist
HollingworthTim (AIM/YIM) | 678.462.6698 (Cell) | http://www.eplus.com