Yes, if the volume can fill up and stop production. When you place a lun with space reservation enabled in it and if you don't take snapshots of that lun, you can fill the volume untill the last block, as it will never grow.
What I do find to be a problem is that you can't easily see for which volumes you changed it (not from the GUI). You'll have use 'registry walk options.thresholds' to see all the values from the command line.

From: [] On Behalf Of Johnson, James A [HDS]
Sent: woensdag 28 november 2007 20:42
To: De Wit Tom (Consultant); David McWilliams; NetApp list
Subject: RE: iSCSI question

This would be great for non-production volumes. But it’s high recommended that these warning stay on for production. The on-call person will thank you in the morning.




From: [] On Behalf Of De Wit Tom (Consultant)
Sent: Wednesday, November 28, 2007 6:43 AM
To: David McWilliams; NetApp list
Subject: RE: iSCSI question


If you're not using snapshots, you can fill the volume for 100%.


Operations manager will standard warn you for 'volume almost full' at 80% and 'volume full' at 90%. The filer will also warn you if the used space in the volume exceeds 97%. You can change this on a per-volume basis to be able to fill your volume completely without the filer constantly complaining about a warning condition.


Use the following commands to change this per volume:


filer> priv set advanced
Warning: These advanced commands are potentially dangerous; use
          them only when directed to do so by Network Appliance
filer*> registry set options.thresholds.volumename.fsFull 101
filer*> registry set options.thresholds.volumename.fsNearlyFull 101
filer*> priv set


Setting the threshold to 101% will make it possible to fill the volume to 100%.


Be warned that these are advanced commands and that you are changing the registry directly, so I can't be responsible for problems ;-)





From: [] On Behalf Of David McWilliams
Sent: woensdag 28 november 2007 14:54
To: NetApp list
Subject: iSCSI question

Is there a requirement for the volume that contains an iSCSI LUN to have a minimum amount of free space. We seem to be getting warnings when it approaches 90% full. Is it a modifiable parameter?



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