In this case, we're making a bunch of changes and data reorganization that 7mtt would need manual intervention to work with. Also, the 7mtt tool installed is very old and I won't have time to update it before this work. 

On Wednesday, 23 March 2016, Jan-Pieter Cornet <> wrote:
On 2016-3-22 17:25 , Basil wrote:
> I am trying to migrate a replicated volume to CDOT, but I can't use 7mtt.

Just out of curiosity: why can't you use 7mtt? We recently did a migration using a linux installation of 7mtt (on an older machine, guess a VM would do, too), and that went very smooth. The extra information and warnings given by the 7mtt tool were very helpful.

(We used the most recent Centos release - despite ancient requirements for the official 7mtt, it just required a 1 line patch to a launch-java script to enable TLSv1 connections).

Jan-Pieter Cornet <>
"Any sufficiently advanced incompetence is indistinguishable from malice."
    - Grey's Law