No, it is full, based on your log messages:

7/21/2015 09:14:53  Sim-01           ERROR         mgmtgwd.configbr.backupFailed: The node configuration backup Sim-01.daily.2015-07-21.09_03_46.7z cannot be created. Error: 'Failed to create tarball for backup Sim-01.daily.2015-07-21.09_03_46.7z. Error: Failed to create package with name /mroot/etc/backups/config/Sim-01.daily.2015-07-21.09_03_46.7z'.

7/21/2015 09:14:51  Sim-01           ERROR         mgmtgwd.configbr.backupFailed: The node configuration backup Sim-01.8hour.2015-07-21.09_03_46.7z cannot be created. Error: 'Failed to create tarball for backup Sim-01.8hour.2015-07-21.09_03_46.7z. Error: Failed to create package with name /mroot/etc/backups/config/Sim-01.8hour.2015-07-21.09_03_46.7z'.

7/21/2015 09:14:50  Sim-01           ERROR         mgmtgwd.mroot.nearlyfull: The root volume of node 'Sim-01' is nearly full. When it is full the node cannot operate properly.

7/21/2015 09:14:37  Sim-01           ERROR         mgmtgwd.mroot.full: The root volume of node 'Sim-01' is full. This prevents the node from operating properly.

7/21/2015 09:07:23  Sim-01           ERROR         mgmtgwd.mroot.nearlyfull: The root volume of node 'Sim-01' is nearly full. When it is full the node cannot operate properly.

The system cannot update any of the databases and it is puking on you.

Not sure what or how you are using you simulator, but I have never had the mroot fill on me unless I did something dumb like a packet trace or core files that consumed space.

(even then, I never let the mroot fill up that full)


Tim McCarthy
Principal Consultant

On Sun, Jul 26, 2015 at 10:48 AM, Uddhav Regmi <> wrote:

I am checking on this


Sim-01> df -gm

Filesystem               total       used      avail capacity  Mounted on

/vol/vol0/               766MB      672MB       94MB      88%  /vol/vol0/

/vol/vol0/.snapshot       40MB        0MB       40MB       0%  /vol/vol0/.snapshot

/vol/vol101/              19MB        0MB       18MB       1%  /vol/vol101/

/vol/vol101/.snapshot        1MB        0MB        0MB      61%  /vol/vol101/.snapshot

/vol/svm101_root/         19MB        0MB       18MB       1%  /vol/svm101_root/

/vol/svm101_root/.snapshot        1MB        0MB        0MB      58%  /vol/svm101_root/.snapshot



Last time when I had this issue,  it was different and I turned off all snapshot.  Looks like 88%,  there is something ,  somewhere this is getting filled up



Hmmmm…..nothing inside volume  of vserver  ??? Interesting…



Sim::volume*> ?


Sim::volume*> help

  Press "?" or Tab for help.


Sim::volume*> cd ..


Sim::*> vserver


Sim::vserver*> ?

  audit>                      Manage auditing of protocol requests that the Vserver services

  check>                      The check directory

  cifs>                       Manage the CIFS configuration of a Vserver

  nfs>                        Manage the NFS configuration of a Vserver

  services>                   The services directory

  vscan>                      Manage Vscan



From: tmac []
Sent: Sunday, July 26, 2015 10:37 AM
To: Uddhav Regmi <>
Cc: Toasters <>
Subject: Re: unable to find master : Cdot : 8.3RC1


Looks like you inadvertently filled up your root volume.


Doing something there you should be....


May need to log in as diag user and clean up some space on /mroot



Tim McCarthy

Principal Consultant




On Sun, Jul 26, 2015 at 10:23 AM, Uddhav Regmi <> wrote:

Hello all,


It just died all of a sudden.  Automatic Recovery was off.  Pls advise.


Cannot access the cluster level ,  node level is fine.


Sim::> event log show -severity emerGENCY

Time                Node             Severity      Event

------------------- ---------------- ------------- ---------------------------

7/26/2015 09:57:50  Sim-01           EMERGENCY     callhome.root.vol.recovery.reqd: Call home for ROOT VOLUME NOT WORKING PROPERLY: RECOVERY REQUIRED.

7/26/2015 09:56:36  Sim-01           EMERGENCY     rdb.recovery.failed: Error: Unable to find a master.. Unable to recover the local database of Data Replication Module: Management.

2 entries were displayed.


Sim::> event log show -severity erroR

Time                Node             Severity      Event

------------------- ---------------- ------------- ---------------------------

7/26/2015 10:00:51  Sim-01           ERROR         mgmtgwd.ntp.job.failure: The ntp_resolve_job could not be started.

7/26/2015 09:56:39  Sim-01           ERROR         spm.mgwd.process.exit: Management Gateway (mgwd) subsystem with ID 12774 exited as a result of signal signal 6. The subsystem will attempt to restart.

7/26/2015 09:56:36  Sim-01           ERROR         ucore.panicString: 'mgwd: assertion (false) at failed, raising SIGABRT(6) at RIP 0x82e1ed7bc (pid 12774, uid 0, timestamp 1437918996)'

7/26/2015 09:53:50  Sim-01           ERROR         spm.mgwd.process.exit: Management Gateway (mgwd) subsystem with ID 12403 exited as a result of signal normal exit (1). The subsystem will attempt to restart.

7/26/2015 09:52:15  Sim-01           ERROR         spm.vldb.process.exit: Volume Location Database(VLDB) subsystem with ID 4568 exited as a result of signal normal exit (1). The subsystem will attempt to restart.

7/26/2015 09:52:15  Sim-01           ERROR         rdb.env.IOFailure: Error encountered in root volume I/O: Could not force changes to /mroot/etc/cluster_config/rdb/VLDB/_unit.config.bak.


7/25/2015 19:29:45  Sim-01           ERROR         mgmtgwd.mroot.nearlyfull: The root volume of node 'Sim-01' is nearly full. When it is full the node cannot operate properly.

7/25/2015 19:29:45  Sim-01           ERROR         mgmtgwd.configbr.noSNCBackup: This cluster is effectively a single node and there is no configuration backup configured.

7/25/2015 19:29:45  Sim-01           ERROR         mgmtgwd.configbr.noSNCBackup: This cluster is effectively a single node and there is no configuration backup configured.

7/25/2015 19:27:45  Sim-01           ERROR         mgmtgwd.mroot.nearlyfull: The root volume of node 'Sim-01' is nearly full. When it is full the node cannot operate properly.

7/22/2015 18:34:29  Sim-01           ERROR         mgmtgwd.configbr.noSNCBackup: This cluster is effectively a single node and there is no configuration backup configured.

7/22/2015 18:34:29  Sim-01           ERROR         mgmtgwd.configbr.noSNCBackup: This cluster is effectively a single node and there is no configuration backup configured.

7/22/2015 18:32:11  Sim-01           ERROR         mgmtgwd.mroot.nearlyfull: The root volume of node 'Sim-01' is nearly full. When it is full the node cannot operate properly.

7/21/2015 10:20:13  Sim-01           ERROR         mgmtgwd.configbr.noSNCBackup: This cluster is effectively a single node and there is no configuration backup configured.

7/21/2015 09:16:17  Sim-01           ERROR         mgmtgwd.configbr.noSNCBackup: This cluster is effectively a single node and there is no configuration backup configured.

7/21/2015 09:16:17  Sim-01           ERROR         mgmtgwd.configbr.noSNCBackup: This cluster is effectively a single node and there is no configuration backup configured.

7/21/2015 09:14:53  Sim-01           ERROR         mgmtgwd.configbr.backupFailed: The node configuration backup Sim-01.daily.2015-07-21.09_03_46.7z cannot be created. Error: 'Failed to create tarball for backup Sim-01.daily.2015-07-21.09_03_46.7z. Error: Failed to create package with name /mroot/etc/backups/config/Sim-01.daily.2015-07-21.09_03_46.7z'.

7/21/2015 09:14:51  Sim-01           ERROR         mgmtgwd.configbr.backupFailed: The node configuration backup Sim-01.8hour.2015-07-21.09_03_46.7z cannot be created. Error: 'Failed to create tarball for backup Sim-01.8hour.2015-07-21.09_03_46.7z. Error: Failed to create package with name /mroot/etc/backups/config/Sim-01.8hour.2015-07-21.09_03_46.7z'.

7/21/2015 09:14:50  Sim-01           ERROR         mgmtgwd.mroot.nearlyfull: The root volume of node 'Sim-01' is nearly full. When it is full the node cannot operate properly.

7/21/2015 09:14:37  Sim-01           ERROR         mgmtgwd.mroot.full: The root volume of node 'Sim-01' is full. This prevents the node from operating properly.

7/21/2015 09:07:23  Sim-01           ERROR         mgmtgwd.mroot.nearlyfull: The root volume of node 'Sim-01' is nearly full. When it is full the node cannot operate properly.

21 entries were displayed.



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