When I do this, I check and double check my command and make sure it is all one line...
something like this:

(remember, this is one continuous line)
route -f ; ifconfig e11a down ; vif create lacp vif0 -b ip e11a e11b ; ifconfig vif0 netmask up ; route add default 1

Notes: If your switch and ONTAP (7.2.1 and higher, I think) supports it, use LACP. It has much better and faster fail over capabilities. Otherwise, try multi mode. Make sure to use the "up" at the end of the ifconfig line. I also think, when using vifs, mediatype is automatically set to auto and flowcontrol is set to full.


On Jan 8, 2008 4:20 PM, John Stoffel <john.stoffel@taec.toshiba.com> wrote:


I've got to convert some filers from single links to VIFs to my cisco
switches.  I know I can do this with some edit to the rc file and a

Can I do it with the system up and with minimal disruption to NFS
traffic?  Or should I just look for some downtime and reboot?

Basically, I've got a single link on e11a now.  I'd like to vif e11a
and e11d.  So, from the console could I do:

   ifconfig e11a down
   vif create multi v1 -b ip e11a e11d
   ifconfig v1 <hostname>

And be done with it?  I assume I might have to make some changes on
the Cisco side as well, but I'd like to minimize my outage if

   John Stoffel - Senior Staff Systems Administrator - System LSI Group
 Toshiba America Electronic Components, Inc. - http://www.toshiba.com/taec
            john.stoffel@taec.toshiba.com - 508-486-1087


RedHat Certified Engineer #804006984323821 (RHEL4)
RedHat Certified Engineer #805007643429572 (RHEL5)

Principal Consultant, RABA Technologies