The ssh command with the ServerAliveInterval set did the trick.. that is, it is still running from inside a “screen” session on a Linux box…


So thanks tmac 😊


Now I only have to face a new challenge where the ndmpcopied data is infact stored as “non-deduped” data and there is not space on the aggregate for all of it…

Yet it is so slow that I think with a little dedupe process along the way we will be fine…. (8TB NL-SAS disks aren’t the fastest and you do not have “shared dedupe” between volumes on rotating disks) 😊




Fra: tmac <>
Dato: tirsdag, 18. maj 2021 kl. 21.01
Til: Toasters <>, Heino Walther <>
Emne: Re: SV: [EXTERNAL] SV: Ndmpcopy times out...

it is not is the system processor kicking him off...according to the message he keeps getting



Tim McCarthy, Principal Consultant

Proud Member of the #NetAppATeam

I Blog at TMACsRack




On Tue, May 18, 2021 at 2:50 PM Walfherder <> wrote:

On 18.05, Heino Walther wrote:
> ...
>    Autologout: System Console being disconnected due to inactivity
>    SP NODE-01*> Autologout : Session being disconnected due to inactivity

So it doesn't seem like an Ssh protocol problem, more like ONTAP is
deliberately terminating your session due to apparent lack of use.

Here's my random thought, use ssh with the "-n" flag to avoid ONTAP
allocating a terminal. See man ssh.

Might help :-)


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