Hi Timothy,
Having been an ASE certified master mechanic in a past life, I can advise you that it is indeed possible to have both of those cars as long as they are kept as separate vehicles. It would real mess if you chopped those cars in half and then welded them together into one new car. Think of all those electrical splices and incompatible electronics! Then, of course, there's that whole warranty and support thing. Who will you go to when the Acura leather cracks?
> Or am I completely blind and missing something?
Well, just the fact that neither SnapDrive nor SnapManager are supported with VMware. The only "virtual server" - if you even want to call it that -  that is supported with these products is the Exchange virtual server that is created in a Windows ("MSCS") cluster.
Another interesting question that may be worth investigating prior to putting this into production is whether or not Microsoft supports the use of Exchange on VMware. Here are a couple of articles on that:
It is not clear in your email what the motivation is to go "virtual" for your Exchange server. If it is for DR purposes, then there may be another way you can accomplish your goals. There is a solution documented in NetApp Knowledgebase article #10542 that takes advantage of the virtual server in Windows clustering. Perhaps this article will help you accomplish your goals?
Please let us know if you have any more questions.
Paul Benn
SnapManager Development Team

From: Timothy Hollingworth [mailto:thollingsworth@eplus.com]
Sent: Tuesday, January 30, 2007 5:06 PM
To: toasters@mathworks.com
Subject: Netapp and VMware... It's all so confusing!

So, say for example, I want to virtualize an Exchange server. Lets also say that I want to manage it via Snapdrive and SME. Lets also say, just for the heck of it, that I want both the new front-engined Acura NSX as well as the Porsche RC3.
The cars aside, I would have to run iSCSI from within the VM, install and use Snapdrive from within the VM to provision LUNs, install Exchange and then use SME? It seems kind of silly to use iSCSI from within a VM if the ESX box were fiber attached to the Filer, just to be able to use Snapdrive and SME, no?  
I would love to be able to use the features of SD and SME within a completely virtual environment and am wondering what some real world implementations other VMware/Netapp customers are running. Do you run storage for the databases and logs in VMDK's and manage snapshots and backups from a VMware virtual machine perspective or do you manage them as iSCSI LUNs and use SD and SME?
Or am I completely blind and missing something?
Timothy L. Hollingworth
Sr. Network Engineer, ePlus Technology Inc.
678.462.6698 (cell)
AIM: HollingworthTim
YIM: t_holling