

all onboard fc-ports are preconfigured as initiator ports.

So you will have to change them to target ports.


1)      Disable the port: fcadmin config –d 0c

2)      Set the type to target: fcadmin config –t target 0c

3)      Enable the port: fcadmin config –e 0c


you need a reboot after changing the fc port type.


Alexander Schalek, Technical Services / IT-Infrastruktur
Bacher Systems EDV GmbH
FN 54202i, Handelsgericht Wien
Clemens-Holzmeister-Strasse 4
A-1100 Wien, Business Park Vienna, Austria
phone: +43 (1) 60 126-34 | fax: -4
e-mail: as@bacher.at | web: www.bacher.at


Von: owner-toasters@mathworks.com [mailto:owner-toasters@mathworks.com] Im Auftrag von Romeo Theriault
Gesendet: Freitag, 27. Februar 2009 14:20
An: toasters@mathworks.com
Betreff: How to determine how new (yet to be installed) systems FC ports are configured?


Hello all, We have a 3050 cluster that we will be upgrading to a 3170 cluster soon. Our 3050 cluster uses the onboard fiber channel ports 0c and 0d as targets. I'm wondering if the 3170 will use these same ports as targets or if it comes preconfigured with some other set of ports as targets? I know you can specify if you want a port as a target or an initiator with the fcadmin command but would like to avoid the step in the upgrade process if their was some way for me to tell which ports it was going to use as targets ahead of time.

Thanks for any help.

Romeo Theriault
System Administrator
Information Technology Services