I guess you were just fine then.  With them darn failure high failure rate disks.  

I might know a thing or two about that.  We had a few couples o 10s of 1000s of "the disk that shall not be named".

Was never a problem.  I don't care if they store data on sliced ham as long as the solution meets the required metrics and goals.  The SW is the key.  Not the HW.  

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On Mon, Dec 7, 2015 at 20:40, Jeffrey Mohler
<jmohler@yahoo-inc.com> wrote:

How much data did you lose?

Jeff Mohler
Tech Yahoo, Storage Architect, Principal
Twitter: @PrincipalYahoo
CorpIM:  Hipchat & Iris

On Monday, December 7, 2015 8:26 PM, Douglas Siggins <siggins@gmail.com> wrote:

Thats a heck of a comment there. I've seen many cases where Netapp shipped disks with known high failure rates. If this was something known or suspected I'd have no issues asking a vendor to do the same.  I'd expect the vendor to comply.


On Mon, Dec 7, 2015 at 10:56 PM, John Stoffel <john@stoffel.org> wrote:
>>>>> "Steve" == Steve Klise <Steve.Klise@wwt.com> writes:

Steve> Does anyone know where I can find part numbers for disk size,
Steve> manufacture?  I looked on the NOW site but couldn’t find
Steve> anything.  I need to know if they are seagate, WD, etc.. I need
Steve> them for all SAS, SATA, FC, SSD, etc.

There's only four drive manufactures now, Seagate, WD, Toshiba and
Samsung.  And I think they're mostly the first three...

Steve> I have a customer that insists on a certain manufacturer.

They're idiots.  Hopefully they're paying you enough to put up with
their foolishness.  But since they're going through you... they're not
paying Netapp for support (either end of life or just cheap...) so
they're being stupid.

But hey, just jack the quote 20% (or more!) for being such pains.

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