Yea, our passwords are 20 char.


Trimmed to 16 char . . . trying . . . that WORKED!


Something else to remember!


Thanks Everyone!







From: [] On Behalf Of Jordan Slingerland
Sent: Tuesday, April 26, 2016 3:59 PM
To: Stephen Stocke <>;
Subject: RE: accessing service processor


Could be!


From: [] On Behalf Of Stephen Stocke
Sent: Tuesday, April 26, 2016 3:47 PM
Subject: RE: accessing service processor




I seem to recall there being a limit to the length of the naroot password and the SP truncates the password to the first 16 characters of the root password.  Do have a root password >16 characters?





From: [] On Behalf Of Tim McCarthy
Sent: 26 April 2016 19:40
To:; Rhodes, Richard L. <>
Subject: Re: accessing service processor


If possible....

Try a serial connection, then press control-g and then try logging into the service processor 


Maybe you should re run the service processor setup and see if that helps.

Sent from Outlook Mobile


From: Rhodes, Richard L. <>
Sent: Tuesday, April 26, 2016 2:36 PM
Subject: accessing service processor
To: <>



This is probably really dumb, but I'm stumped.



I've been working on a support case with IBM (nSeries).  They asked me to get some info from the service processor.  So I ssh to the SP, get a prompt, try and login as naroot (using root's pwd), which fails.


The last time I tried to ssh and log onto a SP was when these systems were setup +2 years ago. Back then it worked.   Since then we've regularly rolled the root password every X months.  It's my understanding that naroot at the service processor uses the OnTap root password.


I've tried to access the SP on several nSeries system and they all fail the same way.


IBM nSeries N3220(NetApp FAS2240)

OnTap 8.1.2P1 7-mode



Any thoughts are appreciated.








What I've done:



- I know the root password - I used it to log onto the filer on the main interface


  Using username "root".

  root@filerxxxx's password:




- It's status is online


    filerxxxx> sp status

        Service Processor           Status: Online

                Firmware Version:   2.1.1

                Mgmt MAC Address:   xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx

                Ethernet Link:      up, 100Mb, full duplex, auto-neg complete

                Using DHCP:         no

        IPv4 configuration:

                IP Address:


                Gateway:            xxx.xx.xx.x

       IPv6 configuration:         Disabled


- all hosts are allowed to access the sp


  filerxxxx> options sp

  sp.autologout.enable         on

  sp.autologout.timeout        60

  sp.setup                     on

  sp.ssh.access                *


- it pings


- it gives a login prompt, but it doesn't take the root password


 ssh naroot@filerxxxxs

 naroot@filerxxxxs's password:

 Permission denied, please try again.

 naroot@filerxxxxs's password:


- I've tried ssh to the SP via the DNS name (filerxxxxs) and the IP (


- I am aware of the 15min timeout period on 6 unsuccessful login attempts.


- I've tried ssh via putty from a Win laptop, and, ssh from an AIX system.

  Both give the same result - it naroot/root password doesn't work.


- I rebooted the SP


  filerxxxx> sp reboot

  NOTE : If your console connection is through the SP,it will be disconnected

  Do you want to reboot the SP now? (y/n) :? y

  Console connection through the SP will now be dropped


- Reboot didn't help - still can't login as naroot with root's password


  ssh naroot@filerxxxxs

  naroot@filerxxxxs's password:

  Permission denied, please try again.




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