Hi - hoping someone can help me with a perfstat.sh output for filer F840 with NetApp Release 6.5.2R1P13 installed
Anyone got any ideas on what does mean for below value, is this give bad performance to our filer.
i.  129001 bad connection attempts
ii.  filer.2049       webmail3.968           34400    244  26280      0 ESTABLISHED Yes
     - Send-Q is 244
iii. 4812 cache misses

=-=-=-=-=-= CONFIG filer PRESTATS =-=-=-=-=-= netstat -p tcp

        252271 connection requests
        679327 connection accepts
        129001 bad connection attempts
        0 listen queue overflows
        931597 connections established (including accepts)
        931497 connections closed (including 270302 drops)
        1 embryonic connection dropped

Active TCP connections
Local Address    Remote Address         Swind Send-Q  Rwind Recv-Q State       FastPath On?
filer.2049       webmail3.968           34400    244  26280      0 ESTABLISHED Yes
filer.2049        webmail1.943           34400      0  26280      0 ESTABLISHED Yes
filer.2049       webmail2.835           34400    124  26280      0 ESTABLISHED Yes
filer.2049       mx1.749               131070      0  26280      0 ESTABLISHED Yes
filer.2049       mbox1.851              34400    192  26280      0 ESTABLISHED Yes


DNS caching is enabled

0 cache hits
4812 cache misses
0 cache entries
0 expired entries
0 cache replacements


-- interface  e4  (477 days, 4 hours, 50 minutes, 18 seconds) --

 Frames/second:    2175  | Bytes/second:      312k | Errors/minute:       0
 Total frames:    29565m | Total bytes:      8859g | Total errors:        0
 Multi/broadcast: 71985k | No buffers:          0  | Non-primary u/c:     0
 Tag drop:            0  | Vlan tag drop:       0  | Vlan untag drop:     0
 CRC errors:          0  | Runt frames:         0  | Fragment:            0
 Long frames:         0  | Jabber:              0  | Alignment errors:    0
 Bus overruns:        0  | Queue overflows:     0  | Xon:                 0
 Xoff:                0  | Jumbo:               0  | Reset:               0
 Reset1:              0  | Reset2:              0
 Frames/second:    2284  | Bytes/second:     2537k | Errors/minute:       0
 Total frames:    26876m | Total bytes:     14542g | Total errors:        0
 Multi/broadcast:   474  | Queue overflows:     4  | No buffers:          0
 Max collisions:      0  | Single collision:    0  | Multi collisions:    0
 Late collisions:     0  | Timeout:             0  | Xon:                 0
 Xoff:                0  | Jumbo:               0
 Current state:       up | Up to downs:         0  | Auto:                on
 Speed:            1000m | Duplex:            full | Flowcontrol:    receive