
I strongly believe that this message would come to youas a surprise. In fact, it is in respect of the strict confidencegiven to me that you are honest and versatile in business that motivated My interest to seek your co-operation on atransaction.My father is late Chief James Chuks.He was thechairman of Nigeria Petroleum Monitoring Committee (NPMC). Sadly, he died afterillness on October 2000 and he wasburied in our hometown on November17th, 2000.As you might have known, petroleum is the majorrevenue source in Nigeria. My fathermade a lot of money through the job but could notinvest the money immediatelyto avoid probe by the then military government. Hewas able to save the sum of$32,000,000.00(Thirty Two Million United StatesDollars). He deposited this sum with asecurity firm. The documents used in thesedepositions, together with the key of the safe, are with my mother. In my father?s will, he instructed that this moneymust be invested overseas with the help of a foreigner who is reliable and trustworthy, so asto avoid probe by the federal government of Nigeria since he was a civil servant andcould not have amassed such wealth legally. Consequently, I now seek for yourco-operation. I will like you to come down to Nigeria so that we can open adomiciliary account with your name here in Nigeria and then youcan deposit the money into the domiciliary account for transfer to anyforeign account which you will provide. You and I will then travel to your country togetherfor the sharing of the money. My mother and me have agreed to give 25%of the total sum to you while 70% will be forMe and my mother, then, the remaining 5% will be usedto offset the bills incurred in the Course of the transfer. If you can?t come down down to Nigeria, we can stillimprovise another means ofTransferring this money into your foreign account.


Pius Chukwu

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