First: InterCluster LIFs only failover to the local node (hence the local-only failover policy). They should never failover to anything but local LIFs.
Second, if I recall correctly, on the early version of 8.3X (including 8.3.1) there were issues when the InterCluster LIF and/or the node-mgmt LIF was on an ifgroup. That has been fixed in 8.3.2, but it is possible the message still exists.
I believe the release you are on is fine. Basic info:
Cluster, InterCluster & Node MGMT LIFs are all local-only (can failover, but to local node LIFs only, if available)
FC/iSCSO LIFs do not failover at all. Host-side ALUA manages failover.
All other LIFs (essentially data LIFs and vserver mangement LIFs) can and should have failover set.
On 8.3+ take advantage of the Subnets/IP_spaces/Broadcast Domains to help create your failover policies.
For instance:
Broadcast Domains: (each group are ports on the same broadcast domain that fail over to each other as needed)
Cluster (for cluster interfaces only, should include all CLUSTER ports on all nodes)
Belongs to Cluster IPSPACE
ICC (I created this for intercluster communications and include all ports used for INTERCLUSTER)
Belongs to Default IPSPACE
Management (I renamed the default to this. It includes all ports that can be used for management)
Belongs to Default IPSPACE
IP Spaces:
Cluster (for cluster interfaces only)
Contains Cluster Broadcast Domain
Default (for everything else if not multi-tenant with overlapping IP spaces)
Contains ICC & Management Broadcast Domains
Subnets:ICC -> In my case, contains 4 IPs, one for each node. each node has an ifgroup (a0a) so, local failover is built-in
Management -> in my case, contains 8 IPs. One for each node-mgmt and vserver-mgmt