No. You can:

1. ignore the message and continue using the self-assigned cert (the reason for the message)
2. ignore the message and continue using the self-assigned cert, log in and generate a Certificate Signing Request - CSR
--> send this to your Certificate Authority to have a certificate created. Get it to PEM format
--> import it into OCPM
--> make sure you have your CA installed for your browser to use.

Tim McCarthy, Principal Consultant

           RHCE6 110-107-141 Current until Aug 02, 2016

On Wed, Mar 9, 2016 at 9:24 AM, Carl Howell <> wrote:
Trying to do a fresh install of OCPM 2.1 RC1, but when I attempt to connect to it, it is demanding a client certificate that I don't have on any of my workstations. Is there a way to disable this?



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