Even if it’s $75 more per month, then that’s still doable.




From: tmac [mailto:tmacmd@gmail.com]
Sent: Friday, January 18, 2008 5:33 AM
To: Johnson, James A [HDS]
Cc: Toasters
Subject: Re: NetApp Home Lab



you could use the spec sheets to figure it out...
Get you last electric bill. It should tell you how much you pay per kw/hour.
Figure out how many watts you will be using...
Figure about 440W per loaded shelf and 220W per head (660W, .660KiloWatts)
If I am doing the right math (and I may be waaay off here):
.660KW * 24 Hours = 15.84 Kw/day * 30 days = 475.2 KW/month * .10 (10 cents) = 47.52/month

My electric co has peak/off-peak and intermediate that ranges from .08 -> .18 per kw/hour
The average is supposed to be .10 per kw/hour.

like I said...I could be waaayyy off here.

On Jan 18, 2008 8:19 AM, Johnson, James A [HDS] < James.Johnson8@hdsupply.com> wrote:

About how much? $100?


From: tmac [mailto:tmacmd@gmail.com]
Sent: Friday, January 18, 2008 5:16 AM
To: Johnson, James A [HDS]
Cc: Toasters
Subject: Re: NetApp Home Lab


are you ready for a wallop on your electric bill...

I used to stage demo equipment at home. Just running a power hungry netapp over the weeked caused my electric bill to spike...

On Jan 18, 2008 7:21 AM, Johnson, James A [HDS] < James.Johnson8@hdsupply.com> wrote:

I will be purchasing some NetApp equipment (yes the simulator is
cheaper) and here is the quote;

F820 = $950.00
FC9 = $170.00/Each
225B 36GB HDD = $135.00/Each
226A 73GB = $190.00/Each

Of course I am going to cheaper route, but just wanted to get some
comments on this.



RedHat Certified Engineer #804006984323821 (RHEL4)
RedHat Certified Engineer #805007643429572 (RHEL5)

Principal Consultant, RABA Technologies


RedHat Certified Engineer #804006984323821 (RHEL4)
RedHat Certified Engineer #805007643429572 (RHEL5)

Principal Consultant, RABA Technologies