I have F820 running DOT 6.4.2P6 with CIFS only.  I noticed the cifs audit log does not log all events.  The audit log is dump and saved every night at midnight via a rsh script.  Looking through several log file, there are only a few entries in each of the file.  All of the entries are within 16 minutes after midnight when the audit file is dump.  These are the settings.  I compare it with two other Filers, F880c DOT 6.4.2P12, with the same settings the audit log worked fine.
cifs.audit.enable            on
cifs.audit.file_access_events.enable on
cifs.audit.logon_events.enable on
cifs.audit.logsize           204800000
cifs.audit.saveas            /etc/log/adtlog.evt
Any ideas? 


Marcus Bui

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