There is no even for snapmirror lag, thus no SNMP trap for lag. To look for lag events:


::> event route show -messagename *lag*

                                                               Freq    Time

Message                          Severity       Destinations   Threshd Threshd

-------------------------------- -------------- -------------- ------- -------

netinet.ethr.noarp.flagSet       ERROR          traphost       0       0


                                 CRITICAL       traphost       0       0


                                 CRITICAL       traphost       0       0

volaggr.offline                  CRITICAL       traphost       0       0

wafl.dmp.incons.cifs.flag        WARNING        traphost       0       0

wafl.rst.incons.cifs.flag        WARNING        traphost       0       0

6 entries were displayed.


To see all snapmirror events:


::> event route show -messagename *snapmirror*


To see events with SNMP support:


::> event route show -snmp-support true


These are the snapmirror events with snmp support:


::> event route show -messagename *snapmirror* -snmp-support true

                                                               Freq    Time

Message                          Severity       Destinations   Threshd Threshd

-------------------------------- -------------- -------------- ------- -------             NOTICE         traphost       0       0

snapmirror.sync.ok               NOTICE         traphost       0       0

2 entries were displayed.


However, that doesn’t mean there aren’t SNMP reports for lag and snapmirror.


There is a MIB section of the support site:


In the NetApp MIB there is a snapmirror status section, where lag time is included:



                snapmirrorLag                   OBJECT-TYPE

                SYNTAX                          TimeTicks

        MAX-ACCESS                      read-only

        STATUS                          current


                                                "How far behind from the source the destination is."


                ::= { snapmirrorStatusEntry 6 }


This probably applies to cDOT, but not entirely sure. I do know that the new OnCommand coming out will have more cDOT support, including SnapMirror.


That may or may not include lag time… I haven’t had a chance to play with the beta yet. If there is lag time, it may be monitored by ZAPI instead of SNMP.


I know this doesn’t really answer your question, but hopefully gives you some information you can work with.


From: Blake Golliher []
Sent: Saturday, June 08, 2013 11:16 PM
To: Parisi, Justin
Cc: Sebastian Goetze;
Subject: Re: clustered ontap monitoring snapmirror lag?


I was suspecting so.  Thanks for confirming.


Can you tell me if snmp reports snapmirror in 8.2 as well?  Is lag available there?



Typed with my thumbs!

On Jun 8, 2013, at 7:29 PM, "Parisi, Justin" <> wrote:

There is no lag time in clustered ONTAP 8.1.x. This is available in 8.2:


::> snapmirror show  -fields lag-time 

source-path        destination-path              lag-time  

------------------ -----------------------------             --------- 

vs0:vs0_vol          vs0:vs0voldest                     135:55:33 


From: Blake Golliher <>
Date: Saturday, June 8, 2013 12:56 PM
To: Sebastian Goetze <>
Cc: "" <>
Subject: Re: clustered ontap monitoring snapmirror lag?


Thanks Sebastian!


I can't find a '-instance' option.  


We generally judge problems by the schedule x 2.  If the snapmirror is supposed to replicate every hour, if the lag is 2 hours or more, for example, fire off an alert.  


There is an 'is-healthy' in 'snapmirror-info', but it's a boolean option, it doesn't report how far behind from the source, the destination is.  The 7mode 'snapmirror-status' child_get_string("lag-time") is how I did this before.





On Sat, Jun 8, 2013 at 9:03 AM, Sebastian Goetze <> wrote:

Hi Blake,

try looking at it with the '-instance' switch.

'Lag' time without knowledge of the replication interval is not very useful.
That's why it was sort of replaced by the 'health' info.
If the relationship is healthy, the lag time is OK...

Hope that helps



On 08.06.2013 17:04, Blake Golliher wrote:



It looks as if the concept of a 'snapmirror lag' has been scrubbed from Clustered OnTap, at least on 8.1.2P3.  'snapmirror show' will show the state, and transferring, but there's no lag, or a start time that I can extrapolate.  There's a progress, which reports what's been transferred, but no lag.  


The api documentation doesn't have any mention of snapmirror lag in snapmirror-info attributes-list.  There's no support of snapmirror in snmp (at least so far).  So does DFM (or whatever they call it now) monitor this?  And how would it?


Thanks for any and all suggestions.  If I find where this data is, I'll put the script on github.




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