On the console, he will give information when there are
unrecoverable blocks.
I'm not sure that he gives info when it's finished. But
you can monitor the process (wafl scan status). Depending on the size of the
volume, it can take a long time. You can speed up. This (give the process more
priority, if you want).
Best regards,
University Hospitals Leuven
From: owner-toasters@mathworks.com
To: toasters@mathworks.com
Sent: Tue Jan 16 17:36:48 2007
wafliron output -- is wafl OK?
Hi toasters...
currently i am
running a wafliron. My question now is, do i get any kind
of output after
wafliron has finished??
Do i see if there where any wrong blocks and if Ontap
was able to solve
the problem or not??
Or is there any extra command
to assure that there is no problem in wafl
Regards and thanks
for your help