someone should add that snaprestore restores an entire volume in a matter of seconds.  no copying of data needs to occur to restore the entire volume. 

From: Brosseau, Paul
Sent: Thursday, July 13, 2006 12:45 PM
To: Linux Admin; NetApp Toasters List
Subject: RE: snapshot and snaprestore licneses

Basic Snapshot capabilities do not require a license.  You can config the system to take automatc snapshots via the snap sched command or through FilerView.  You can also take snapshots on an ad hoc basis with the snap create command or via scripts using RSH or SSH.
SnapRestore is a licensed feature.

From: Linux Admin []
Sent: Thursday, July 13, 2006 10:59 AM
To: NetApp Toasters List
Subject: snapshot and snaprestore licneses

Can someone please quickly explain to me how netapp licensing work:

Do you need to buy SnapRestore license to have SnapShot capabilities?