I ran through the upgrade without a problem on 3 filers 3 weeks ago. I upgraded 2 740s and one 720. I have one 720 and one 740 doing a Snapmirror to another 740 in a remote location. I had to turn off the snapmirror schedule first on the source filers (snapmirror off) and upgrade the destination filer first. Everything went very well.
Grant Galimi
Director, Technical Services
The Thomson Corporation
1 Station Place
Stamford, CT 06902
203-977-8344 fax
-----Original Message-----
From: Sayla, Mustafa []
Sent: Thursday, December 06, 2001 12:17 PM
Subject: Upgrading F760 from Ontap 6.01R3 to 6.1.1R2

We are looking into upgrading our Data Ontap version to 6.1.1R2 and just wanted to find out whether there are issues with it or not. We have to upgrade it because I want to use the new DS14 shelf and it is not supported in 6.0.1R3. We have our Exchange, MS SQL and Sybase data on it. Has anybody done this upgrade and how did it went. Any input will be appreciated.

