Thanks.  It was an MTU mismatch.  Ping was working which is what threw me off.

Aaron Lewis

M: 503-957-7014 


IVOXY Consulting
the data availability people


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From: <Parisi>, Justin <>
Date: Thursday, October 24, 2013 at 2:38 PM
To: Aaron Lewis <>, "" <>
Subject: RE: cDOT CIFS setup

Check for mismatches in MTU with your data LIFs. (are they using 9000 MTU?)


Also, is the user being used to add the CIFS server account a member of the domain you’re adding the account to?


From: [] On Behalf Of Aaron Lewis
Sent: Thursday, October 24, 2013 5:29 PM
Subject: cDOT CIFS setup


Has anyone seen the error listed below while setting up CIFS in cDOT?  The filer is running 8.2P3.  This has been a very straightforward process in the past for me, but with the newness of cDOT, I’m not finding a lot of information when I search.  Thanks!


netapp::vserver cifs> create  -cifs-server "testcifs" -domain " XXXXXX.local"


In order to create an Active Directory machine account for the CIFS server, you

must supply the name and password of a Windows account with sufficient

privileges to add computers to the "CN=Computers" container within the

" XXXXXX.local" domain.


Enter the user name: XXXXXX


Enter the password:


Error: CIFS server creation procedure failed

  [    27] Loaded the preliminary configuration.

  [    62] Created a machine account for the Cifs server in the


  [    62] SID to name translations of Domain Users and Admins

           completed successfully

**[ 23082] FAILURE: Kerberos password set for

**         'TESTCIFS$@XXXXXX.LOCAL' failed with Cannot contact any

**         KDC for requested realm

  [ 23104] Deleted existing account



Error: command failed: Failed to create CIFS server TESTCIFS. Reason: Kerberos

       Error: KDC Unreachable.


netapp::vserver cifs>


