command are :
storage disable adapter adapter_num
followed by :
storage enable adapter adapter_num.
u must be in DOT 6.4 or greater.
For details, see :

Toal, Dave wrote:

	A while ago, someone posted a command to rescan
an FC bus, I believe.  I've got a dlt 7000 on an F740;
the dlt is inside a storagetek 9710 which was recently
ipl'd.  The dlt stops working when this happens, I'm not
sure why (veritas netbackup shows it as 'down').  Rebooting 
the netapp fixes it; is there a way to reset the adapter
on the dlt without doing that?

statler*> fcadmin rescan 1
fcadmin rescan: Channel 1 is not a FC loop channel. 

statler*> sysconfig -v
        NetApp Release 6.1.3R2: Mon Jun 17 01:40:16 PDT 2002

        slot 1: SCSI Host Adapter 1 (Qlogic ISP 1040B)
                Fast/Wide, Differential
                Firmware Version 4.66.00                Clock Rate 60MHz.
                0:  Tape: Quantum DLT7000 276A

this is not a .sig